We left San Carlos a day earlier than planned so we could spend time revisiting some of our favourite places in Tucson. A friend drove us to Guaymas to catch the 11:30 pm bus to Tucson. The seven hour bus ride is very comfortable with seats that recline like a bed and Fred took full advantage of this time to catch a "nap". I, on the other hand, was dragging when the bus pulled into Tucson at 8:00 am [late because of some hassle at the border].
The hotel was kind enough to find a room for us that early and I had a short rest before we headed downtown. We did some shopping at an artisan area that we had visited with family a few years before. Tucson is as hot as San Carlos, but not nearly as humid so we were able to stay outside much longer. Needless to say it was not a late night!
The picture of the grapefruit is from a tree in our front courtyard.